762 LYN, Woody Bay, October 2017

The 762 Club - Lyn Gallery Three: Baldwin locos still working today

Click on each image to run the video, courtesy of YouTube



Baldwin NA Class locos in action

Lyn was similar in general appearance, although smaller, to the NA class of 2-6-2Ts supplied to the Victoria Railway in Australia in 1898. Several others were built locally, to the same design, up to 1915. Although the two originals have not survived, several of the others are still operating. Here are some of them.

2007 - Colour video with sound, duration 6 minutes, 10 seconds
Video: "jimsmodeltrains"


Puffing Billy Railway: Belgrave Yard

A well-stocked yard, including Baldwins and other locos in various states of repair.

2007 - Colour video with sound, duration 6 minutes, 52 seconds
Video: "VK3RM57"

Click on each image to open a larger version in a new window (or tab, depending on browser)


NA Class, 6A

NA class 2-6-2 '6A' in the yard at Belgrave, in 2010.

Photo: Michael Chapman

NA Class, 8A

Locomotive '8A' about to depart Belgrave.

Photo: Michael Chapman

NA Class, 14A

NA class 2-6-2 '14A' crosses the famous Monbulk trestle bridge.

Photo: Michael Chapman

12A before the refit

NA Class, 12A in steam

Taken some years ago, 12A at Belgrave.

Photo: Unknown

NA 12A refit (1)

NA 12A refit (1)

In 2008, 12A was withdrawn from service for a full strip-down and major refit. In the background, Garratt G42 (to the left) and sister loco 7A (right) are also undergoing inspections.

Photo: Michael Chapman

NA 12A at Belgrave

NA 12A refit (2)

View of 12A chassis in the workshop for refit in 2010.

Photo: Michael Chapman

NA 12A refit (3)

NA 12A refit (3)

View of 12A chassis in the workshop for refit.

Photo: Michael Chapman

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Archived: 4 July 2019 - These pages are no longer maintained, and are retained for reference only

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